US Healthcare & Insurance

The US Healthcare & Insurance data listing includes . The product was built to provide users with .
Example topics covered:
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Data Sources
A detailed description of the data is available by source. Source pages include key attributes (e.g. geographic coverage, time granularity, history, entity level), release frequency, notes & methodologies, and sample queries.

National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC)
Maintains the Health Care Provider Taxonomy, a standardized code set used in healthcare transactions specified by HIPPA and the National Provider Identifier application.

CMS National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES)
Provides details on healthcare providers registered in the U.S.

US Department of Labor Form 5500 filings
Requires all large (>100 people) US employers that provide benefits to complete Form 5500.
See the individual source pages for source-specific disclaimers. Links to provider terms, license, and disclaimers are provided where appropriate.
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