Energy Information Administration (EIA)
As part of the US Department of Energy, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is tasked with collecting and disseminating independent and impartial energy information. Their data products cover energy production, stocks, demand, imports, exports, and prices. Our dataset currently includes data on electricity, natural gas, and petroleum. If you are interested in other EIA datasets, please reach out to
Topics currently covered:
- Electricity price, sales, revenue and number of customers by sector
- State-specific electricity generation, consumption, and capacity
- Exports and imports of natural gas, petroleum, and liquefied natural gas
- Price and consumption of natural gas and petroleum per customer type (residential, consumer)
- Refinery (idle) operable capacity, net production, net input, yield, and receipts
- Stocks at bulk terminals, leases, refineries, natural gas plants, tank farms, and more
- Future contracts
- (Non-)Salt underground storage
Key Attributes
Geographic Coverage | United States |
Entity Level | Electricity Retail Sales: Country, Census Division, State |
Time Granularity | Electricity Retail Sales: Monthly |
Release Frequency | Depends on the report |
History | Electricity Retail Sales: 2001 onwards |
Snowflake Products
Tables above are available in the following Snowflake data product:
Sample Queries
Sample queries coming soon.
Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2024.
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