Our World In Data
Our World in Data (OWID) is an online publication that publishes research and data "to make progress against the world's largest problems." Snowflake integrates with OWID's environmental databases, restructures the data to an intuitive form, and makes the data joinable across other Snowflake datasets.
Example topics covered:
- Carbon dioxide emissions, fugitive emissions, greenhouse gas emissions, methane emissions, and nitrous oxide emissions by country, source, and sector
- Temperature change by country
- Energy consumption per dollar by country
- Carbon intensity of electricity by country
- Population and GDP by country
Key Attributes
Geographic Coverage | Global |
Entity Level | Country, Country Group, Continent |
Time Granularity | Annual |
Release Frequency | Annual - time of year varies by variable |
History | Since 1750: Majority of emissions data |
As with all Public Domain datasets, Snowflake aims to release data on Snowflake Marketplace as soon as the underlying source releases new data. We check periodically for changes to the underlying source and, upon detecting a change, propagate the data to Snowflake Marketplace immediately. See our release process for more details.
OWID data encompasses emissions from different countries, sectors, and sources. The data highlights key contributors and changes over time.
Carbon Intensity of Electricity: Carbon intensity of electricity in grams CO2e per kWh by country by year measures how much CO2 it takes to produce a given amount of electricity. Use the data to determine which countries have improved their carbon footprint over time and compare which countries are the most efficient as it relates to carbon emissions from electric use.
Snowflake Products
Tables above are available in the following Snowflake data product:
Sample Queries
Carbon intensity of electricity over time
Benchmark carbon intensity/kWh for the US and UK against that of the European Union.
SELECT geo.geo_name,
FROM cybersyn.our_world_in_data_timeseries AS ts
JOIN cybersyn.geography_index AS geo
ON (geo.geo_id = ts.geo_id)
WHERE ts.variable_name = 'Carbon intensity'
AND geo.geo_name IN ('United States', 'United Kingdom', 'European Union')
ORDER BY ts.date;
The data in this product is sourced from Our World in Data (OWID), see license.
Snowflake is not endorsed by or affiliated with any of these providers. Contact snowflake-public-data@snowflake.com for questions.