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Geography Tables


Data is joinable across all Snowflake products that have a GEO_ID. Data Commons’ unique geographic identifiers were used to form the core of the GEOGRAPHY_INDEX and related tables below. Snowflake expanded geographic coverage using data from Statistics Canada and the US Census Bureau. Boundaries, in particular, are from these two sources.

Our goal is to create a single, unified schema across public and proprietary datasets. The Snowflake schema aims to strike a balance between flexibility to accommodate arbitrarily shaped data along with consistency in core tables. Refer to Snowflake Data Concepts for more details.


Geography IndexSnowflake's unified geographic entity index, joinable to all tables, providing unique geographic identifiers with associated names, levels, and ISO codes for various US geographies.
Geography CharacteristicsRepository of geography characteristics, including GEOJSON coordinates, WKT coordinates, state abbreviations, and FIPS codes.
Geography RelationshipsRelationships between geographic entities of differing levels, including overlaps and contains relationships, using Snowflake's GEO_IDs.
Geography HierarchyHierarchical relationships between geographic entities, such as countries, states, and counties.
Geography OverlapsGeographic relationships between overlapping regions, such as counties and zip codes, identified by unique GEO_IDs.

Snowflake Products

The geography tables exist in all Snowflake listings.