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Data Dictionary

Data Commons AttributesView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.DATACOMMONS_ATTRIBUTES: Demographic, economic, government spending, and environmental statistics at national, state, county, and municipal levels, aggregated by Data Commons.

Data Commons TimeseriesView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.DATACOMMONS_TIMESERIES: Demographic, economic, government spending, and environmental statistics at national, state, county, and municipal levels, aggregated by Data Commons.

Geographic Entity CharacteristicsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.GEOGRAPHY_CHARACTERISTICS: Repository of geography characteristics, including GEOJSON coordinates, WKT coordinates, state abbreviations, and FIPS codes.

Geographic Entity HierarchiesView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.GEOGRAPHY_HIERARCHY: Hierarchical relationships between geographic entities, such as countries, states, and counties.

CYBERSYN.GEOGRAPHY_INDEX: Snowflake's unified geographic entity index, joinable to all tables, providing unique geographic identifiers with associated names, levels, and ISO codes for various US geographies.

Geographic Entity OverlapsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.GEOGRAPHY_OVERLAPS: Geographic relationships between overlapping regions, such as counties and zip codes, identified by unique GEO_IDs.

Geographic Entity RelationshipsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.GEOGRAPHY_RELATIONSHIPS: Relationships between geographic entities of differing levels, including overlaps and contains relationships, using Snowflake's GEO_IDs.