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Data Dictionary

Company CharacteristicsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.COMPANY_CHARACTERISTICS: Characteristics for nearly 100k companies, including EIN, CIK, LEI, address information, industry descriptions, and more, with start and end date ranges.

CYBERSYN.COMPANY_INDEX: Compiled list of public and private companies with a unique Snowflake company identifier (company_id) mapped to public identifiers like CIK, EIN, PermID, and LEI. This table serves as the spine for Snowflake data that involves company-level identifiers.

Company RelationshipsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.COMPANY_RELATIONSHIPS: Company subsidiary and parent relationships, joinable to Snowflake's company_index table.

Company Security RelationshipsView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.COMPANY_SECURITY_RELATIONSHIPS: Map between companies and the securities (stocks, bonds, etc.) they issue, including security identifiers from common open sources, including OpenFIGI and PermID. Maps to Snowflake's company index.

PermID Security IndexView Source Documentation

CYBERSYN.PERMID_SECURITY_INDEX: PermIDs for financial securities, including name, primary ticker, asset class, primary exchange, security status, and related global tickers.