Data Dictionary
Company CharacteristicsView Source Documentation
: Characteristics for nearly 100k companies, including EIN, CIK, LEI, address information, industry descriptions, and more, with start and end date ranges.
Company IndexView Source Documentation
: Compiled list of public and private companies with a unique Snowflake company identifier (company_id) mapped to public identifiers like CIK, EIN, PermID, and LEI. This table serves as the spine for Snowflake data that involves company-level identifiers.
Company RelationshipsView Source Documentation
: Company subsidiary and parent relationships, joinable to Snowflake's company_index table.
SEC 13F Attributes (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Quarterly institutional investment manager holdings snapshot, including securities' names, market values, shares, and identifiers, providing insights into investment strategies and market movements, as filed in Form 13-F to the SEC.
SEC 13F Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Quarterly snapshot of institutional investment manager holdings, including filing details, number of holdings, and total holding value for managers with $100M+ in equity assets, provided in Form 13-F to the SEC.
SEC Broker Dealer (BD) IndexView Source Documentation
: Index of broker-dealer registration & amendment filings with the SEC.
SEC Central Index Key (CIK) IndexView Source Documentation
: Map between company identifiers (including Snowflake's COMPANY_ID) and the SEC Central Index Keys (CIKs), along with geographic and industry classification details for SEC filers.
SEC Corporate Report Metrics Attributes (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Company KPIs published in SEC filings using XBRL format, provided on a daily basis.
SEC Corporate Report Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Index of filings (ADSH) submitted to the SEC by entities (CIK).
SEC Corporate Report Parsed Item Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: 10-Ks and 10-Qs (submitted to the SEC) parsed by document sections (i.e. SEC items) into plaintext, HTML, and hierarchical JSON structure for LLM training.
SEC Corporate Report Text & HTML Document Attributes (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Raw text and/or HTML of SEC filings, provided on the document-level.
SEC Fiscal Calendar IndexView Source Documentation
: Company fiscal calendars by quarter, including period start and end dates, identified by unique Central Index Key (CIK) numbers.
SEC Form 144 Securities Information Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Details on restricted or control securities (e.g., a company's stock) intended to be sold by company insiders or affiliates of a public company, as reported in Form 144 to the SEC.
SEC Form 144 Securities Sold Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Sales of restricted or control securities by company insiders or affiliates in the past 3 months, providing a breakdown of Table II: Securities Sold during the past 3 Months on Form 144 per the SEC.
SEC Form 144 Securities To Be Sold Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Intended sales of restricted or control securities by company insiders or affiliates, providing a breakdown of Table I: Securities to be Sold on Form 144 per the SEC.
SEC Form 4 Reporting Owner Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Insider transactions in public company securities, as disclosed in SEC Form 4 filings. An insider is an officer, director, or beneficial owner holding more than 10% of a company's shares.
SEC Form 4 Securities Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Insider transactions of public company securities, including derivative and non-derivative acquisitions, disposals, and beneficial ownership, reported on Form 4 filings. An insider is an officer, director, or beneficial owner holding more than 10% of a company's shares.
SEC Holding Filing Attributes (Quarterly)View Source Documentation
: Disclosure of equity holdings by institutional investment managers with over $100 million in assets under management, provided in the Form 13-F on a quarterly basis by the SEC.
SEC Holding Filing Index (Quarterly)View Source Documentation
: Report index for Form 13-F, a disclosure of equity holdings by institutional investment managers with over $100 million in assets under management, provided on a quarterly basis by the SEC.
SEC Insider Trader Report Owner Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Reporting persons of insider transactions in a public company, as provided on insider trading filings (e.g., Forms 3, 4, 5) to the SEC.
SEC Insider Trader Security Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Insider transactions in public companies, including securities acquired, disposed of, or beneficially owned by officers, directors, and 10%+ shareholders, reported to the SEC in insider trading filings (e.g., Forms 3, 4, 5).
SEC Investment Advisers Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Index of investment advisers who are registered with the SEC or who are filing reports as Exempt Reporting Advisers.
SEC Investment Company, Series, Class IndexView Source Documentation
: Index of all actively-registered investment company series and classes that have been issued IDS by the SEC.
SEC Metrics Timeseries (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Quarterly and annual parsed revenue segments of major companies from 10-Qs and 10-Ks.
SEC NPORT Metrics Attributes (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Monthly fund-level statistics covered within an NPORT filing to disclose the fund's financial status.
SEC NPORT Filing Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Index of NPORT reports, a regulatory filing that registered investment companies must submit to the SEC, providing detailed information about their portfolio holdings on a monthly basis. NPORTs replaced the semi-annual N-Q filing in 2019.
SEC NPORT Investments Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: A fund's portfolio-level metrics, including risk, liquidity classifications, and derivative exposures, as reported in Part C of an NPORT filing to the SEC.
SEC NPORT Part-C Investments Index (Daily)View Source Documentation
: A fund's portfolio-level metrics, including risk, liquidity classifications, and derivative exposures, as reported in Part C of an NPORT filing to the SEC.
SEC NPORT Metrics Timeseries (Daily)View Source Documentation
: Monthly fund-level statistics covered within an NPORT filing to disclose the fund's financial status.
SEC Report Attributes (Monthly)View Source Documentation
: Company KPIs published in SEC filings using XBRL format, provided on a monthly basis.
SEC Report Index (Monthly)View Source Documentation
: Index of filings (ADSH) submitted to the SEC by entities (CIK), provided on a monthly basis.
SEC Report Text Attributes (Monthly)View Source Documentation
: Provides full text of company filings (10-Ks, 10-Qs, 8-Ks) submitted to the SEC, with unique identifiers for each document.
SEC Registered Security-Based Swap Dealers and ParticipantsView Source Documentation
: Index of registered security-based swap dealers and major security-based swap participants.
XBRL Taxonomy IndexView Source Documentation
: XBRL taxonomy table providing a structured overview of key financial concepts and their corresponding XBRL elements used in regulatory filings (e.g., SEC annual and quarterly filings).